Gearoid Williams and Aisling Glynn complete Certificate in Decision-Making Capacity & Support 2016

Solicitors Gearoid Williams and Aisling Glynn have successfully completed the Certificate in Decision-Making Capacity & Supported as organised by the Law Society of Ireland.
This Certificate was introduced for practitioners following the signing into law of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015. The Act 2015 marks a significant development in recognising the legal rights of all persons regardless of disability and deals with the provision of adequate supports to assist people whose decision-making capacity is in question or may shortly be in question.


– Presumption of decision making capacity unless the contrary is shown.
– Decision making supports.
– Abolition of Wards of Court system and the replacement of that system with the Office of the Public Guardian.
– New regime regarding Enduring Powers of Attorney, including provision for healthcare decisions.
– Provision of the framework for Advance Healthcare Directives.
– Dealing with elderly and vulnerable clients

Aisling Glynn

Aisling Glynn Completes LL.M

Aisling began her Solicitor’s traineeship with McMahon & Williams Solicitors in 2008. After qualifying in 2010, and following a year in practice, Aisling commenced a Masters (LL.M) in International and Comparative Disability Law & Policy at the National University of Ireland, Galway. The Masters Programme is aimed at applying legal knowledge to provide practical assistance to persons seeking to vindicate their rights. Among many subjects, Aisling’s study focused on international human rights law, equality law, inclusive education and mental health law. Aisling’s thesis was entitled:

From Rhetoric to Realisation: The Pursuit of an Effective Remedy for a Child with Special Educational Needs

Aisling continued to work throughout the course of the Masters and she graduated with First Class Honours.  Aisling specialises in litigation and the Masters has enabled her to pursue her interests in the areas of personal injuries litigation, human rights law and disability law, including mental health law and inclusive education.

Grace Mahoney

Grace Mahoney Completes Year One of Advanced Diploma in Legal Studies

Grace joined McMahon & Williams Solicitors in August 2006. Grace completed a FETAC Level 5 Certificate in Business Law in 2008. In 2012 Grace began an Advanced Diploma in Legal Studies in Griffith College Limerick and she has successfully completed year one of this intensive three year programme. This Advanced Diploma is aimed at those who wish to gain a full and comprehensive understanding of the Irish legal system, and particularly those wishing to pursue a career in the legal field. The course focuses on the core aspects of Irish Law and the Irish legal system, as recognised by the legal profession. During the course of the year the subjects Grace studied were Sources of Law, The Irish Legal System and Constitutional Law. Grace continued to work full time throughout the course of her studies and she obtained a Certificate with Distinctions in all subjects. Grace looks forward to continuing the programme during which time she will study subjects including Contract Law, Tort Law, Criminal Law, Company Law and the law as it relates to property in Ireland. The course is awarded by the Institute of Commercial Management (ICM).