Another great article in the Irish Times from Solicitor Aisling Glynn
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Congratulations Luke!
McMahon & Williams Solicitors would like to congratulate Luke and his assistance dog Ike on their graduation from secondary school and for winning the Spirit Award. Luke, who has cerebral palsy, has overcome many difficulties in his education. His primary school refused him entry to school with his assistance dog and Luke missed out on most of his final year of primary school education. Unfortunately, Luke and his family had to take legal action against the school. McMahon & Williams Solicitors acted on behalf of Luke and his family in this disability discrimination case which was the first in Ireland that involved a child with an assistance dog in the school context. Thankfully the successful outcome allowed Luke to continue his secondary education with his stability dog. Luke’s stability dog is a highly trained mobility dog, to help him walk. McMahon & Williams Solicitors were delighted to be part of Luke’s story and we hope the successful outcome will pave the way for other students with disabilities. Read the full case here:
For advice or to book an appointment, please contact Aisling Glynn or Gearoid Williams. Alternatively, telephone us on 0659051009 or email us on
*In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.
Disability Discrimination Case Settled Out of Court
McMahon & Williams represented an individual who was refused entry into a Bar & Restaurant in Dublin with her assistance dog. The individual who is a wheelchair user relies on her assistance dog to assist with every-day tasks. McMahon & Williams Solicitors proceeded with a claim under the Equal Status Acts on behalf of the individual. Before the case came to hearing, a settlement was agreed in which the claimant was awarded damages as well as having their legal fees covered. A donation from the award was made to the charity. This follows the landmark case taken by McMahon & Williams Solicitors on behalf of a child with cerebral palsy who was excluded from school because of his assistance dog. This was the first case in Ireland that used equality legislation for a child with an assistance dog.
For advice or to book an appointment, please contact Aisling Glynn or Gearoid Williams. Alternatively, telephone us on 0659051009 or email us on
*In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a percentage or proportion of any award or settlement.
Merry Christmas & Happy New Year
Gearoid, Sinead and all the staff at McMahon & Williams would like to wish all our clients and colleagues a very happy and peaceful Christmas and good wishes for 2018.