Disability & Capacity Law

At McMahon & Williams Solicitors we advise on many aspects of disability law.  We offer practical support to our clients and are focused on finding solutions.   

Aisling Glynn Solicitor completed a Masters in Disability Law & Policy in 2013.  Aisling strongly believes in promoting the rights of persons with disabilities.  Aisling Glynn and Gearoid Williams have completed a Certificate in Decision-Making Capacity & Supported by the Law Society of Ireland.  This Certificate was introduced for practitioners following the signing into law of the Assisted Decision-Making (Capacity) Act 2015.  The Act 2015 marks a significant development in recognising the legal rights of all persons regardless of disability and deals with the provision of adequate supports to assist people whose decision-making capacity is in question or may shortly be in question.

At McMahon & Williams Solicitors, we provide legal advice in a number of areas of disability law, including:

  • Disability discrimination claims. 
  • Reasonable accommodations in the workplace and in education.   
  • Succession Planning and Discretionary Trusts for children with disabilities
  • Assisted Decision Making and Capacity Law. 
  • Wards of Court.   
  • Advance Care Directives/Living Wills.    

The UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities was ratified by Ireland in 2018.  The UNCRPD is an international treaty that identifies the rights of persons with disabilities as well as the obligations on parties to the Convention to promote, protect and ensure the rights of persons with disabilities in Ireland.  The Assisted Decision Making (Capacity) Act is expected to be fully enacted in Ireland in 2022.  This Act will reform the legal approach to capacity in Ireland by recognising a presumption of capacity and autonomy of all persons.  


For advice or to book an appointment, please contact Aisling Glynn or Gearoid Williams.  Alternatively, you can telephone us on 065 9051009 or send an email to info@mcmahonwilliams.ie